2008年10月11日 星期六


這禮拜去 Sainsbury 看到這一瓶法國酒在特價中, 原價是£11.99降價後為£7.99, 但是我去結帳的時候居然只要£5.99 賺到了! 有種花媽的小小幸福的感覺. 哈!
這一支酒很香, 果實味很重, 也很順口, 開瓶半小時就來享受一下看看了. 酒色相當濃, 這Sainsbury 就有提示了, 是屬於他們歸類的C等級的, 今天我是搭配我的越南米紙大餐, 味道並不是酒瓶上說的重口味的牛肉類的, 但是還是感覺蠻搭的. 我去看Hugh Johnson's 的介紹也不錯. 不過似乎可以在放久一點, 所以近期會再去買一支回來放到回台灣前吧.^_^

Over-looking the Dordogne river on the famous RRoc de Lussac in Bordeaux, the Lussac St Emilion vineyards are well-known for producing wines of great colour and structure. The 2006vintage is a blend of Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon and has been carefully selected by the winemaker for its concentration of black fruit flavours and supple tannins. Rich and full bodied, this wine makes the perfect accompaniment to rare roast beef, hearty stews or full flavoured cheeses. Ready to enjoy now or well last for up to 3 years from vintage date if carefully stored.



這是我的生活,用我的雙腳去走,用我的雙眼去看這個美麗的世界.Canon EOS 30D,17-85mm, 50mm F1.8, 10-22mm, 70-300mm IS. Nokia N82. Sony TX5